Fenland Field Target Association

The FFTA are one of 9 regional associations within the British Field Target Association

Sywell is a member of the FFTA and holds one or two shoots a year over the winter period. We visit other clubs within the region and compete against them in the Winter League . In the morning the FFTA have the main round consisting of a 30 target course set out to BFTA Rules and in the afternoon there is a Spring gun Re-entry session plus the Open grade.

Link to FFTA Website

British Field Target Association

The British Field Target Association run competitions through out the summer months starting with the BFTA Champs and Inter-Regionals then visit each region over the summer hold the Grand Prix Series. The penultimate meeting is the BFTA Masters on the Saturday and the FTA Showdown on the Sunday . The last meeting of the year is the BFTA British Open formally known as the Euro’s which is a 2 day event held n the middle of September.

Link to BFTA Website

BFTA Rules can be found here